Motion design
Whether its purpose is institutional, promotional or museographic, we fully commit to telling a story by adopting a direct and playful language that corresponds to the short format.
We offer to take care of your project’s entire sound universe : voice, music creation and sound design.
Voices that bring toys to life…
Sound effects that surprise and delight…
Music and songs that personalize and energize the universe of a game…
We love stories where children of all ages learn while having fun !
We developed and presented the audio description process starting in 1991 with the AVH in France and in Europe (including at the Universal Exhibition in Seville in 1992).
Writing of the audio-description by our team of qualified audio-describers, choice of voice, recording, TV & cinema mixing, setting of broadcasting standards.
Verification of the audio description by a visually impaired person.
Museum, Documentaries
Casting for narration and voice over, recording, editing, sound design, « on screen » mixing and 5.1 mixing.
Restoration of archival documents, erasing breath, parasitic noises, resonances, saturations…
Creation of International Versions and compliance with LUFS, R128 broadcast standards for TV or cinema standards.
Video games
After studying your project, we can propose a voice casting and a specific artistic direction according to the format : triple A, casual, edutainment, mobile games, etc…
Translation and adaptation that fits perfectly and respects the vocabulary that defines the game universe.
Recording in Time Constraint and Strict Time Constraint thanks to our dedicated software, or in lip-sync with bande rythmo.
Audio books
Choosing the narrator, casting the different characters, art direction, music creation, sound design, sound effects…
Whether it’s a recording of a children’s book, an audio series, a podcast, a comic book or a story box, you will always find the right voice for your heroes.
For your message to reach your audience, you will need to find the voice that will make it heard:
Funny, tender, charming, energetic, soft, sung, whispered, playful, seductive, exotic, suave, sparkling, serious, poised, unique, touching…
Whatever it is, we will be able to find it for you because our job is to talk about yours…